Ken Jones with McNair Ezzard on A Better World Radio Show
Protesting for Peace: McNair and Ken talk about the military industrial complex, and Raytheon moving into Asheville. Protesting the war machine, the war in Ukraine and increased military spending, nuclear concerns and the prospects for peace.
One Only Earth Hosting an Earth Day Activist Party!
The Only One Earth Coalition is hosting an Earth Day Activist Party at One World Brewing West on Sunday, April 23rd, 5-8 pm. The evening will be filled with music, laughter and networking among area peace, justice and environmental activists. The musician line-up includes Saro Lynch-Thomason, Kathryn O’Shea’s duo, a Womansong Ensemble and others. It will be a benefit for Southside Community Farm, a Black-led local economy-building project. We will hold a raffle to benefit Southside Community Farm and some of the door will be dedicated to the Farm. One World Brewing is also generously making the Farm its May non-profit recipient. Admission will be a suggested $10-$25 sliding-scale ticket, but no one will be turned away. The evening will be so much fun. Plan to come! More info will can be found here soon.

Next WIRN Webinar - March 22nd

At 8:00 on March 22nd, experts on Nuclear Disarmament will present the webinar, Nuclear Weapons Today – Peril and Promise. Learn more here
Pratt & Whitney Ribbon-Cutting Event Action
On November 16th a group of us gathered at the new bridge to the Pratt & Whitney plant to protest at the Ribbon-cutting ceremony, which was attended by local and state dignitaries. The plant is not near completion–some say full operation is still a year away. The ceremony seemed only for publicity’s sake.
We march over the bridge and up the hill to the round-about at the entrance of the factory site and greeted the many ceremony attendees.
John Boyle wrote two articles about the Pratt & Whitney Ribbon-Cutting for Asheville Watchdog. The 2nd one focused on our voice of dissent.
First Article with reader comments.
Past WIRN Webinar - "Truthkillers: Corporate Media and the MIC"
Upcoming WIRN Webinar - DEC. 1st "Truthkillers: Corporate Media and the MIC"
The first casualty of war, and militarism, is the truth. And the corporate mainstream media works diligently hand-in-glove with the US military-industrial complex to make this happen. Through its unquestioning repetition of government propaganda, its lies of omission, and its ratings-hungry war mongering, the media have become an essential part of the information war so endemic to US imperialism.
This webinar will describe this deadly relationship and how it has evolved to the point where virtually no dissent, no call for peace, no real understanding of declared adversaries is allowed. From Operation Mockingbird to CIA Director William Casey’s famous quote (“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”), the control of the US public’s perceptions of its government’s role in the world has been long in the making.
Now that we are on the brink of nuclear armageddon as a result of the US/NATO pursuit of continuous war against Russia and soon, it appears, with China, it has never been more important to see through the lies fed to us from the corporate media. This webinar is a step in that direction.
Divest from Death - Nov. 9th, 2022