December Actions: Calling for Climate Action

Highlighting the Link between Climate Urgency and Need for a Green Transition We displayed our new 18’x6′ banner on the…

Reject Raytheon Receives 2 Peace Awards

2021 WNC Peacemaker of the Year Award NC Peace Action 2021 Peacemaker Award

Reject Raytheon AVL on Radio Free Nashville

Here's a radio interview that Reject Raytheon members, Ken Jones, Claire Clarke and Melody Shank, did with James Wohlgemuth on Radio Free…

2021 Holiday Parade - Getting our Message Across

We spent over an hour on the side of the street where parade entrants were lined up waiting for the parade to start. Many families with…

Invest in Local Businesses - K. Jones LTE

Ken Jones responds to J Hackett's Citizen Times column about investing in local businesses, especially BIPOC businesses.

October 23rd and November 6th Actions at the Bridge Construction Site

On October 23rd an Nov. 6th, a group of 15  people met at Bent Creek River Park along the French Broad River and lined the…

Oct 9th "Keep Space For Peace" Action

  On the afternoon of the 9th, a dozen Reject Raytheon members walked the crowded streets of downtown Asheville, carrying signs and…

Subsidies and Incentives for Pratt & Whitney
