LTE in Mountain Xpress: Pratt & Whitney is no great deal for community
Reject Raytheon AVL member, Ken Jones, writes Letter to the Editor.…
May 18, 2021
"Understanding the War Industry - The Local and the Hopeful" with Christian Sorensen
Christian Sorensen gave an amazingly, informative talk on May 2nd. He provided an overview of how the…
On The Radio
Jenny Andry and Melody Shank were interviewed by Mark Lieberman on his 103.7 radio show, The World According to Mark, about the…
Ken Jones Gives Talk for Course Led by Well-known Peace Activist, Kathy Kelly
In this video Reject Raytheon AVL member, Ken Jones, gives a summary of how Pratt & Whitney got to…
The MIC at Work: Defense Sec Austin Awards Raytheon Billions in Contracts
This article lays out how closely linked the federal government and Raytheon are Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin—Former Member of Raytheon…
Powerful Speech
Sunrise Movement member, Mel, gave a powerful speech at the Thrive Act Rally at the Federal Building on Wednesday, April 7th, about the…
RejectRaytheonAVL Featured in Video
The organization, The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, features our local movement against Raytheon & Pratt…