Reject Raytheon Teach-In - March 20th, 2021
Did you miss our Teach-in on March 20th? No worries. You can watch it here. Learn about the probable environmental impacts of the Pratt…
Reject Raytheon AVL in Veterans for Peace Newsletter
Reject Raytheon AVL goes national. A great article about our movement was included in the Winter 2020-21 issue of the newsletter of…
P&W deal makes mockery of Peace Day proclamation
February 28, 2021Uncategorized
Commentary Rachael Bliss, Mt. Xpress, 2/23/21…
Biltmore Park Vigil - February 26th
February 28, 2021Uncategorized
Twenty RejectRaytheonAVL protesters braved the wet, cold weather to raise their voices at Biltmore Park, home of the offices of Biltmore…
Vigil at Biltmore Park - February 26th, 2021
Our bi-weekly vigil took us to the home of the offices of Biltmore Farms, LLC., the owner and developer of the land where the excavation…
Raytheon's Reach
February 20, 2021Uncategorized
While the local Pratt & Whitney manufacturing plant may not contribute directly to surveillance at the US southern border and borders…